Last Updated on September 28, 2022 by Ava
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Do you want to become an expert in Social Media? There are more 1,500 courses available on Social Media.
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Hey, hey, I hope everyone is doing great today. In case you thought I was copping out with the shorter shows, and less content in the newsletter, this episode should prove that’s not the case.
My background in Social Media goes back to 2008 when I first started using it personally. I was on a few social sites evenbefore that when “Social Media” wasn’t a thing or a buzz word. Anyone remember MySpace? Props to Tom!
I also was into a few things online that were precursors to modern Social Media like peer-to-peer file sharing, forums, instant messaging, and LiveJournal!
You name it, I’ve probably tried it.
In 2014, Social Media became my job. In fact, it was the thing that brought me home to work full-time.
I was hired to create a new Social Media department for an established SEO firm. I was trained on Social Media and how to keep up with the constant changes that take place in that industry. Then I was let loose to build the department.
I handled all aspects from putting together Social Media packages for clients to figuring out what software to use to hiring staff and training them. I loved that job and it allowed me to put all of my skills to work.
Unfortunately, it was short-lived due to some differing opinions within the company itself. I bowed out voluntarily…or quit if you like to be frank and blunt.
The experience planted a seed in me though and I really enjoy writing about Social Media, as well as sharing what I know about it when I have the opportunity.
Buckle up and get ready. This is going to be a heck of an episode.
Also worthy of note in the evolution of The Candid Cashflow Podcast, this is the first show that I haven’t written out by hand in a notebook. I’m actually typing it directly into my blog. I know you probably don’t care, but it is an important step in streamlining my process and making sure I can carry on with my commitment to this show.
I hope some future evolutions include things like maybe having some guests aboard, so I hope you’ll stay tuned.
Without further ado…
Analyze Your Business From a Social Media Standpoint
Once you’re ready to implement a Social Media strategy for business, the first step is to analyze your business to find out what social networks you should be on. Essentially, you want to do this early on and make your Social Media strategy part of your business launch. That way, you have a platform already built to connect with your audience right away.
For example, as I’ve announced on The Candid Cashflow Podcast recently, I’m getting ready to launch a publishing agency to help people self-publish their own books. It’s time for me to begin building my Social Media strategy right now!
Not all social networks are created equally. You shouldn’t be on them all just because you can. Some of them are going to work better for you than others, and you want to be sure you’re using your precious time in the areas that are most profitable for your business.
For example, if your business is cleaning out sewer tanks, Instagram is probably not the place to market. However, if you have a siding or roofing business, Instagram is a great place to show off your work. Make sense?
This type of business analysis is actually one of the services I offer. The best part is, it’s free. Check it out at I do a lot of stuff for free because my passion is help you get started online to create passive income that will benefit you and your family for years to come.
Develop Your Strategy – 4 Steps to Social Media Success
So, you’ve figured out which networks you want to use, and you’ve created your accounts. Now what?
If you don’t post some interesting stuff to your network, no one will engage with your content or even care that you’re there at all.
Social Media provides businesses with a unique platform to connect with their customers and provide extra information and customer service.
Yes, customer service.
Customers that are passionate about their experience with your business will share it on Social Media. Your most passionate customers will be the ones who really liked your product or service or really hated it. Everyone in between will probably never offer any feedback at all.
Be prepared for negativity.
Being able to hide behind a Social Media profile often gives customers courage to say what they probably won’t say to your face.
It’s dog eat dog out there, so if you plan to reap the marketing benefits of Social Media, be prepared to spend time and money keeping your customers highly satisfied.
1. Fill Out Your Profile Completely. 
Be sure to fill in all the information you’re able to share on each social network. Don’t leave anything blank. The more information your provide, the better experience your customers will have.
Don’t leave your profile images blank. Most networks have 2 main images that you can customize to represent you: your profile image or avatar, and a header or cover image. Make sure you have both on all networks. You can create these easily with Canva. <<< I’ll be doing some content on Canva soon. It’s super easy to create great graphics with that platform, and it has very little learning curve.
2. Post!
Create some initial posts so people who wander onto your profiles know you’re alive! I’m going to discuss posting more in-depth here shortly, but initially, you want to greet everyone from your new profile. Some networks allow you to “pin” a post to the top, so everyone visiting is presented with that content first. Facebook and Twitter both allow this. You can use this feature to highlight your best-selling stuff, coupons, promotions, etc.
If you’re using Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest, it’s not a bad idea to have 10 to 15 posts ready to go; however, it’s certainly not required. As long as you plan to implement a regular and consistent posting strategy in the next few days to couple weeks, you are good to go.
3. Engage!
Don’t ignore anyone who takes the time to engage with your posts even if it’s negative.
The most important thing to remember here, and I can’t stress this enough, is to remain professional at all times.
While it might feel amazing to give someone a piece of your mind in defense of your business, all the world is watching what you say.
If you are unprofessional, that will damage your credibility in the eyes of all who see that conversation. I’ve seen businesses be completely destroyed on Social Media. It’s not worth it!
4. Be Consistent!
Implement a consistent plan for posting and engaging with your customers. They want to hear from YOU, that’s why they follow you.
Social Media wasn’t originally made for conducting business in the first place. I don’t know anyone who goes on Facebook to buy a new roof for their house. We all go on Facebook mostly for fun in our spare time because we want to know what’s going on with our friends and family, right? We’re nosy!
Be creative. If, you do indeed run that sewer truck business, you might want to have a creative streak to entertain your customers.
When I trained to create that Social Media department, my trainer asked me how I would market a sewer truck company on Social Media. Isn’t that a loaded question…pun intended. Actually, that was my angle when I first thought through that dilemma…I’d probably go the toilet humor route.
I digress.
Streamline Your Social Media Strategy for Business
with Automation
There are 2 schools of thought on Social Media. One says “yes” and the other says “no”. I say both and all of the above.
There’s nothing wrong with scheduling your Social Media content ahead or time and even automating a chunk of it. Most people can’t tell the difference.
The key is to not automate the important stuff like following people.
Do not ever buy followers on any social network.
Bought followers bring no value to your business. That big number might give you momentary satisfaction, but those followers will never buy your products and services.
The parts you can automate include a good portion of your posting. In fact, if your marketing budget is non-existent, then this is something you should be interested in. It’s as good as hiring a full-time Social Media Manager in my opinion. You set it up once, and it runs indefinitely until you turn it off.
If you’d like to know more about automating your Social Media posts for your business, contact me via my website, and/or sign up to receive my newsletter and get my automation course totally free!
Finding Great Content to Post to Your Social Media Channels
One of the biggest challenges I faced as a Social Media Manager and in my own business was finding great content to share. I had clients ranging from painters to landscapers to garage door installers, and a motivational speaker based in Israel!
Where would you even start?
My absolute favorite place to find content is Feedly. Feedly is an RSS feed reader that allows you to add all the blogs you follow in one place. It’s simple to find blogs by typing your keyword in the search.
Follow any and all sites listed there that produce content in your niche or industry. If there aren’t any, you will need to Google them and add them manually. It will be worth it.
Once you have a good number of feeds added, each time any of those blogs is updated, it will appear in Feedly.
I do this for both myself and clients. Feedly generates hundreds, and sometimes thousands of pieces of content each week. I start at the top and share anything relevant and interesting with my social network.
If you get the Feedly Pro account, and a paid Buffer account, it will cost your about $168 per YEAR. Then you can automate it all, and it’s way cheaper than paying an employee to manage your Social Media for you.
The 80/20 Rule of Social Media
You may have heard of the 80/20 rule of business which states that 80% of your revenue will come from 20% of your efforts.
This one is a bit different.
The 80/20 rule of Social Media states that 80% of the content you share with your network should be from others, and only 20% should be from your business.
I know that sounds crazy, but it is absolutely true.
This is where automation works great!
You can automate the 80%, and post the 20% personally. Sure, you can automate some it as well if you’re sharing blog posts or adding new products. However, your discounts, coupons, etc. can be shared manually and managed so you provide a more personal experience for your customers.
Feedly should take care of all your content needs, but I will include a few more places to find content in the show notes for this Episode, so be sure to grab those.
That’s A Wrap
Do you feel like you have a little better understanding on how to implement a Social Media strategy for business? I hope so!
If you have questions, you’re always welcome to contact me and ask away. Fill out the simple form on my website at to send me a direct email. I will reply within 24 hours in most cases.
Don’t forget, you can also get your free business analysis as well! Some places charge hundreds for this. Y’all know I LOVE FREE!
I really hope to hear from you.
Please consider subscribing to The Candid Cashflow Podcast in your favorite app at Sign up for the newsletter while you’re there in the right sidebar and get my free automation mini course!
Thanks for stopping by…until next time…turning your passion into cashflow!